Police Officer John Schledwitz

We are forever grateful to the Denver Police Orphans’ Fund.  Our world turned upside down at the sudden passing of John in 2014. The girls grew up as “DPD kids” and those on the job know that this brings different life experiences for the family of law enforcement.  Following John’s death, I wondered how I would manage everything for our girls. Our oldest daughter had just started her second year of college. She thought she would need to withdraw and come help at home.  I told her that her father would want her to stay in college and we would figure it out.  It was truly amazing and overwhelming to have the Denver Police Orphans’ Fund reach out to tell me that their help was available. I never imagined that we would be in the unfortunate circumstance of being without John; however, we are truly grateful for the assistance of the Denver Police Orphans’ Fund.  It is difficult to find the words to convey my deepest appreciation to the Denver Police Orphans’ Fund for giving our girls the opportunity of a college education and remembering John.

~With heartfelt thanks and gratitude